The Nomadic Husband

5 Ways Of Dealing With Uncertainty During The Coronavirus And Beyond

The year 2020 has been a rollercoaster of events and emotions. Eventually any collection of stressful events can pile up on you. It’s important to have ways of dealing with uncertainty to reduce stress and anxiety.

What Does Life Look Like in the New Norm?

Even when things settle down after COVID-19, life may not go back to how it used to be. We’re now in a weird intermediate phase and it’s yet to be seen if this will become the new norm.

3 Stories Of Small Businesses That Are Staying Afloat During COVID-19

Since March this year the world of business, and the world in general, has experienced massive change. Even with stories of easing restrictions in some countries it will still be a long time until things return to normal; if they do at all! The question is, how will small businesses stay afloat during and after COVID-19?

Being valued at work and the value of yourself

The last chapter in my story from Company A is all about value. Valuing yourself and being valued by others can be an avenue for dissatisfaction at work.

What happens when you realise the job isn’t for you?

After many unsuccessful attempts, I finally got the job that would keep me paid & develop my skills. Looking back now, it was plain to see that this job was not what I expected. Still, it took me a long time to act on those initial warnings.

When should you leave your job? And when is it time for a break?

My experiences with leaving my previous job before having something secured. It’s consequences to my, at the time, career aspirations and what lead to me accepting a less than satisfactory position.

Travel Uncategorized

Simple and Easy House Decor

Recently my wife and I needed to move from one AirBnb Stay to another. Our movement is still greatly restricted during Covid-19, however we decided to go somewhere a little cheaper for this month. I would like to share with…

Personal Travel

Did I come to the wrong AirBnB?

It was a hot day, I had just dropped my wife off to work, and was sitting somewhere having brunch. With our car full of suitcases, I was just trying to pass the time really. When check-in time came around…

Reflections from the global COVID-19 situation

The global COVID-19 situation forced many of us indoors and into isolation. These were my thoughts from the beginning of that time.


AirBnb – Judging a stay from it’s pictures

When we choose the place to stay online, the display pictures are one of the key tools that will sway our opinion. After all, a picture tells a thousand words. I’m writing some words that you may not have been…