
Language Immersion Abroad: Exploring Ways to Learn a New Language

Why exactly do people say in country immersion is best for learning a language? Let’s take a look at all the minute details that make language immersion awesome!

Issues Multilingual Couples face all the time

Couples who speak 2 different languages have some unique challenges compared to others. Let’s read what they are, and how to address them!

I don’t speak your native language, here’s how to talk to me

In your travels, you will find people and places who don’t speak your native language. Communicating the right way is so important. So, here’s how to talk to those people easier!

Can you learn a language by in-country immersion alone?

Just move to the country, then you’ll speak the language! It is that simple, but it isn’t. There’s a lot more consideration, work, and preparation that needs to be done in order to have a fun and beneficial in-country immersion experience. Let me explain some of the nuances to in-country immersion.

I’ve been learning a language for one whole year. Why do I still suck?

Language learning can be disheartening when you don’t make progress. After all this time, you still can’t string a sentence together? Don’t worry! You don’t suck! If you want to change your mindset, it’s all up to you! Here are some points about mindset as well as our language learning journey in the long run.

How to learn a language with your significant other

So your partner speaks the language you’re learning, great! No more need to pay for tutors right? Yes and no. Slow down and read this article to see some of the pitfalls that might await you.

Speaking the Same Language as a Multilingual Couple

It’s becoming more common that couples will both come from different language backgrounds. With this kind of relationship, comes new challenges. I will explain some from my own experience.