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Simple and Easy House Decor

Recently my wife and I needed to move from one AirBnb Stay to another. Our movement is still greatly restricted during Covid-19, however we decided to go somewhere a little cheaper for this month. I would like to share with you a few pictures of our little stay. The decor blew me away with its consistent application and style. With a few simple colours, the place looks drastically different to any other we’ve stayed at.

From within our small dining space.

One of the things that struck me immediately was the usage of colour. Most residences within this apartment complex follow the same pattern; blank wall and white tiles. Rather than go with a single application of wallpaper, the owners have used colours and separated them with a thick black line. On closer inspection you will see that this line is black tape. So with a few simple and creative tricks, it now feels like I am sitting in my very own Piet Mondrian painting!

The colours have also been matched with some turquoise cups as well as cushions (more on that later), and it works well with the rest of the white apartment. You can also see that the black tape is utilised on the walls and the shelving to keep the theme going even without the colours. Overall I really enjoy the creativity displayed in the house decor, and am hoping I can get some great Instagram photos while I’m here.

This is the place where I’ll hopefully be uploading some Insta worthy breakfast or dinner posts. The two posters above are pretty neat, however they were the exact same as the ones in our previous AirBnb. I just wish I had taken a picture at my other place!

You can see that the fruity Mondrian theme has been applied to the whole house. One other thing you can see is that they’ve used a very simple sheet design to match the theme. It seems like a design you can get quite easily because we’ve already seen it in another AirBnb, but this place has used it in an entirely different way.

And now I’d like to play a game of observation with the readers! I have really enjoyed soaking up the decor of the place. It definitely is its strongest quality. However does it take away from the actual facilities and overall comfort of the house? That’s a matter that needs to be seen and I might even write something about that in about a month. For now, can you go back through the images and spot anything (potentially essential) that may be missing?

None of the pictures have a dustbin. While the bathrooms had small ones, there was nothing in the main room. To me, a kitchen without a waste bin can’t really work at optimal level. Of course you can make do and that is exactly what we’ve done; we made use of some plastic and an old box. However, it’s something to keep in mind when picking somewhere to stay.

Also if you look closely our bed is not only missing a proper blanket, but after a quick nap I noticed the pillows were pretty thin too. Perhaps, in Malaysia, the blanket isn’t too necessary and I can sort of agree with that sentiment. Likewise any pillow is better than none, right? Sort of, I would have thought these would have been non-negotiable things that are provided for in AirBnbs.

The point of this little part at the bottom is not to complain about what I don’t have. However after raving about the great decor I wanted to also encourage everyone to look at the details. As I mentioned in an earlier post, you may not be able to spot things like no blanket in a picture unless you were looking for it. This attention to detail might just be the thing that stops you from booking a place where you may not enjoy the night’s sleep.