
How reading fiction can help expats understand and deal with life

Is there a piece of art that has affected you so deeply? For me reading fiction is a great outlet for expats to express and learn about themselves. Read on to see which book caused this shift in me.

Make sure you’re prepared, to take the “leap of faith”. (4 things you need!)

In life we sometimes need to make a leap of faith. Whether is is a move overseas, into a new house, or to a new job. Whatever it is, eventually we need to take action. But you can prepare before you get there, here’s how!

I don’t speak your native language, here’s how to talk to me

In your travels, you will find people and places who don’t speak your native language. Communicating the right way is so important. So, here’s how to talk to those people easier!

8 Travel Quotes to Encourage and Inspire Wanderlust

Here are 8 travel quotes to help with your wanderlust if you’re unable to travel. I hope they inspire you to get out there, travel, and become a better person!

5 Reasons To Write A Blog (As An Expat)

Have you ever thought you had something to say? Something to add to the conversation but you weren’t sure about it. There’s no harm in writing about what your passions and interests. As a matter of fact I’d say it’s a great form of expression for expats. Here are my reasons why I think you should write a blog as an expat.

6 Tourist Activity Ideas for Your Next Holiday

We want to travel, but it’s been so long since we’ve been let out. Do you even remember how to plan a holiday? Maybe you do, but you’re looking for some quick and efficient ways to cover as much as possible in one day. Here you’ll find all the tips on how to plan your next holiday!

5 Signs You’ve Finally Settled Into Your New Expat Home

As an expat, there can be a lot of subtle and subconscious feelings as we moved around. Even though we’ve arrived at our newest location, we may not be ready to accept this is our new home. In this article I have written 5 signs to watch out for but also encourage in yourself that you have finally settled into your new home.

18 Unique and Authentic Gift Ideas from Turkey

Are you looking for the ideal Turkish gift idea? This list is perfect for you & your holiday shopping! Read on to see 18 unique & authentic gift ideas!

What is international travel like in 2021?

How has COVID-19 and, more importantly, the global response to it affected worldwide travel? Things were easier to comprehend when it was a strict no travel for everyone. But now some places say yes and some say no. What have been my experiences travelling at such a time? Check this article to find out.

10 Helpful Mindsets for Travellers

You’ve spent so much time and money planning this trip, don’t ruin it by being in the wrong mindset. Read on to discover some healthy mindsets for travellers.