
Why don’t men want to become the trailing spouse?

Women as the expat and men as the trailing spouse is still something we don’t see very often. We live in a modern society, but some things show that many aspects of our lives haven’t modernised yet. We can see this when it comes to peoples’ expectations about expat couples. Let’s dive deeper into this.

Managing Expectations of Being Married to an Expat Wife

There will be a lot of expectations thrust on yourself and your wife. Many women still advice other expat women against starting a family. However there are ways that both of you can manage this unique relationship.

Why Should I Follow My Expat Spouse?

So your spouse or partner has just got their posting order for their first expatriate role. What now? Do you follow them around the globe? Or do you stay? Here are some things to help build your mindset and prepare you for what’s ahead.

The importance of an expat community for fighting loneliness

Expat life and being ‘the trailing spouse’ is often associated with loneliness. However with the right friends and community you can make your expat trip something unforgettable.